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  • Writer's pictureChaplain Stephen

Don't Look At The Sweat!

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you

become by achieving your goals.” - Henry David Thoreau

When I first read this quote, I thought about exercise; sometimes in the middle of our exercise routine we think, “All I'm getting is sweaty and tired!” It’s easy to look at our present circumstances and complain rather than thinking about the long-term rewards we’re accumulating. It’s not about the sweat and fatigue, it’s about the ultimate better health and vitality.

I was talking to a family member of one of our patients recently who was saying that it was so difficult being separated from her mom. The only way she could visit with her right now was to talk to her through the window. She shared how frustrating it was and seemed to confuse her mom more than help her; but at the end of the conversation she was saying how thankful she was that her mom was doing as well as possible and that she has not been exposed to the virus. She turned her complaint into a positive affirmation.

What we are becoming is greatly influenced by our outlook and our attitudes. If we only see ‘the sweat’, or complain about only ‘looking through the window’ we may not reap all of the rewards of perseverance through the circumstances. Turning our negative circumstances into positives really only takes a thought, an attitude or a simple action. When you feel like your accomplishing less than you hoped for, try to remember that it isn’t the immediate rewards that make our efforts the most effective - sometimes it’s the greater purpose, the long-term goals that are the best reward.

So, try not to focus on the sweat or the negatives of the present moment; look at the long-term rewards that will surely manifest in your life when you combine the sweat with a positive attitude.

Don't look at the sweat!

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